Sunday, July 1, 2012

Final Practice

This time tomorrow, I will have my group presentation on Host Hotels and Resorts behind me. To be honest, I can't wait to finish this presentation.

Today, Frank and I woke up early to get Alex's egg free ice cream cake and met some of our buddies in Donlon before we went to surprise Alex in his dorm room. After we gave Alex his cake, we relaxed in his room eating ice cream and then made our way to the RPCC for lunch. After lunch we met with Mr. Chan-Law to discuss our plans for the next week. Frank and I then left for the computer labs in the Statler School of Hotel Administration to work on our presentations.

My group was the first group to have to do a run through with Mark. I thought we would have to actually go through and do our entire presentation, but Mark just asked us to show him our slides, speak briefly about what we're going to say, and practice our transitions. He then gave us constructive feedback on how to make our presentation better technically and told us he think we'll be just fine tomorrow. My group then did a full practice presentation with one of the T.A.s, Alexis, who told us that I should try to be more animated and that I sounded like I knew what I was talking about. We then spend the next hour fixing our PowerPoint before I sprinted back to the RPCC for a rushed dinner so I could make it back to the computer labs for office hours.

During office hours, I went through and tried to analyze every single detail and comb through trying to get  the best color combinations so that our presentation will look great on the presentation screen. My group then timed our practices over and over and over so that tomorrow can go smoothly.

Today's biggest hurdle was figuring out how Mark and Reneta wanted our presentation to be printed. There was chaos as several stressed students ran from lab to lab asking everyone how it should be printed. The reason why there was chaos was that the computer labs were going to close in 15 minutes and the T.A.s were being asked questions left and right.

Hopefully, tomorrow will not be as chaotic as the as the last 15 minutes of office hours.

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