Sunday, July 1, 2012

Surprises and a Little Work

Happy, Happy Birthday from all of us to you, we wish it was our birthday so we could party too! Today we celebrated Alex's 17th birthday. Eric and I went down to the Donlon lobby early in the morning to pick up the cake we had delivered. We waited for everyone to show up in the our friend Matt's room (he had a freezer so the cake wouldn't melt) but we were missing one member of our group, Eric Wilson. We went to his room and banged on his door and called him until he woke up. After everyone was ready, we went to Alex's room in Risley Hall to surprise him. We had a party in his room eating ice cream cake as we joked around until it we could not eat any more ice cream.

After lunch at the RPCC, Eric and I went to class to work on the group presentation. While Eric stayed until 4:30 PM, I left earlier because I finished my work and relaxed with Matt, Eric Wilson, Calvin, and the birthday boy before I met Eric at the RPCC for a quick dinner. Eric and I ate by ourselves because the others weren't on such a tight schedule, and instead, wanted to finish their movie: the Matrix.

Eric and I went straight down from the dining hall to the computer labs, to work on the presentations. We arrived a little before 6 PM, and worked on the project. It was very, long, and our group was doing a dry run, to prepare for the actual presentation, at 9. We practiced and was getting everything organized for the three hours in between.

We walked into the room, ready to present our dry run to Mr. McCarthy. It well fairly well, and we only had a few errors here and there. It was a very long day, but after the presentation is over tomorrow, life will finally be a little bit easier.

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